Everyone talks about how important it is to practice self-care. Most of these self-care practices can often feel impossible during different stages of motherhood, especially for newly postpartum moms. Mamas often need to adjust expectations and perception of what is realistic self-care. Here is an easy acronym to remember the most important parts of self-care for mothers (credit: @postpartumstress):
Sleep: No one functions well with no sleep. A postpartum mom recently said, "I know now why sleep deprivation used to be used as torture." New moms might need to adjust their sleep expectations but try to get the longest stretches possible at night.
Exercise: Any movement counts; one 10-minute walk a day, walking to the mailbox and back, or find a local fit4mom. Be mindful, the postpartum body needs time to heal so adjust expectations accordingly and take it slow.
Laughter: Laughter is a sure-fire way of managing and relieving stress and pain. Did you know the brain is able to trigger laughter even when nothing funny is happening? Funny, huh?
Food: Mamas can easily become so focused on the needs of their baby or children that they often forget their own nutritional needs. Task a partner with meal prep. Make a few quick smoothies ahead of time to grab (@jessicakarpenwellness has some great recipes). Eating is a basic human need that does not end after motherhood. Self-care is essential, but it may have to look a little different as a new mom. Adjusting expectations is okay. A little can go a long way. What are other ways do you practice self-care in motherhood? Any tips/tricks? If you feel like you could benefit from additional support in motherhood, contact Jenna@Milescounseling.com and I can assist in connecting you to local postpartum resources. Strength & love in motherhood, Jenna