Jenna Miles
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Where is all this guilt coming from? Why are there so many triggers? And why does it seem to automatically accompany motherhood? My guess is as good as yours, but guilt is a big part of the invisible mental labor that most mother’s experience. Everyone preps us for the labor of childbirth, the endless possibilities and the excruciating physical and emotional intensity. But no one prepares us for the invisible labor of managing all aspects of a family. The labor that is child-centered, emotionally overwhelming, and financially taxing. Even still, in today’s progressive world, this labor primarily defaults to mothers. We are given the task of doing the impossible. We are to be independent women who shatter the glass ceiling and follow their dreams, while also being great mothers by being all self-sacrificing for the benefit of our children and family. Most women I talk to express feeling as though they are falling short in all things in an effort to be everything. Guilt, guilt, and more guilt. But being all self-sacrificing and depleting our buckets until we lose ourselves is not an inevitable aspect of motherhood. We do not have to be martyr moms. The paradox of taking on a martyr identity looks like this; on one end it is all about the pain and loss of ourselves for the sake of someone else and on the other end it is about seeking praise and admiration for this loss. Martyrdom presents many obstacles in the way of motherhood. Mothers become angry and helpless in their effort to be everything to everyone.
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